At August 8 2015, nearly 8 days after LIFE-LINES project had started, a juvenile individual of Woodchat shrike – Lanius senator (a Near-Threatened species following the Portuguese Red Data Book) was found injured at the side lane of the EN4 national road. The individual showed a traumatic injury in its right eye from which it has fully recovered after 11 days of recovery. The bird was ringed, and body mass and flight ability were checked daily before release. At August 19 the individual was released 250m apart from road-hit location. However, 4 days after, the individual was retrieved dead from a second road hit 45 metres apart from the first location.
Figura 1 – (A) Picanço-barreteiro juvenil no dia da libertação, totalmente recuperado após 11 dias de tratamento e alimentação. (B) a carcaça do mesmo individuo após a segunda colisão, 4 dias após a libertação, validada pela presença de uma anilha (C).
Figura 2 – Locais de libertação e colisão do picanço-barreteiro anilhado na área de estudo do projecto LIFE-LINES