The project includes 35 actions mostly based on demonstrative and innovative solutions, which will be held in an integrated way. It comprises extended monitoring work aiming to evaluate the effects of measures implemented on the biodiversity, in the ecosystem functions and at socioeconomic level. The project also includes work directed to the dissemination of the results to other potential users (professionals associated with the area), both national and international. The actions are:
A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans
- A1 Completing and updating of baseline characterization.
- A2 Compilation, structuring and implementation of national database and multi-user web platform.
- A3 Project implementation, licensing, procurement of permits and contracting procedures necessary to actions C.
- A4 Development, testing and evaluation of automated systems of monitoring and/or deterrence.
- A5 Installation of autochthonous plant nursery for conservation actions.
- A6 Development of prototypes for deterring avifauna in medium voltage lines.
- A7 Elaboration and approval of Internal Standards of guidance to support management in post-project.
C. Concrete Conservation actions.
- C1 Integrated Mitigation of the reduction of conductivity and permeability of the landscape in national and principal roads.
- C2 potentiation of the verges and marginal parcels of roads infrastructures as shelter areas, refuge, food and / or displacement.
- C3 Development and installation of vertical road traffic signs.
- C4 Mobile Application to promote the collect of mortality data.
- C5 Testing devices for deterring avifauna landing in medium voltage lines.
- C6 Development, essay and application of biodiverse grasslands to promote biodiversity in linear infrastructures.
- C7 Mitigation measures and potentiation of roads in Évora municipality.
- C8 Mitigation measures and potentiation of roads in Montemor-o- Novo municipality.
- C9 Operations in plant nursery to the conservation actions.
- C10 Promotion of “islands” of Biodiversity along the power lines.
D. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
- D1 Monitoring / evaluation of socio-economic effects of the project.
- D2 Monitoring / evaluation effects of the project on ecosystem functions.
- D3 Monitoring / evaluation of the effects / impacts of conservation measures.
E. Public awareness and dissemination of results
- E1 Communication Plan - Project website
- E2 Communication Plan – Outdoors in the intervention areas.
- E3 Communication Plan - Public disclosure sessions and contacts with the media.
- E4 Communication Plan - Complementary works and materials.
- E5 Awareness and involvement of the academic community in collecting information/data.
- E6 Training / Dissemination with the stakeholders.
- E7 Networking with other LIFE and not LIFE projects.
- E8 Volunteer Program for young people.
- E9 technical seminars to present the developments and results of the project.
- E10 “Adopt a road”, environmental educational/awareness program with local schools.
- E11 Layman Report
F. Project management and monitoring of project progress (obligatory)