LIFE LINES in the Press
LIFE LINES developed solutions to stop animal roadkills
The University of Évora and the IP organize the online workshop "Solutions to Minimize the Impact of Roads on Fauna"
Nuno Pedroso – Projecto LIFE LINES Develops APP to Identify and Registar Roakills
Why are more and more animals dying on the roads? - Biosfera Podcast
IP participates in a meeting about "Ecological connectivity"
LIFE LINES is once again present at the European Researchers Night 2020
Workshop "Control of invasive flora species in the LIFE LINES Project
Cortaderia selloana removal
Rede Natura 2000 European Day
In Infraestruturas de Portugal - 21-05-2020 | In DBio - Universidade de Évora - 21-05-2020
Metal mesh placement on IP2 - IP / LIFE LINES
In Infraestruturas de Portugal - 19-05-2020 | In Sul Informação - 19-05-2020 | In Ardina do Alentejo - 19-05-2020
In Bologna (Italy) a project of volunteers wants to implement road signs to alert drivers to amphibians, similarly to the ones in the LIFE LINES Project
In Sic Notícias - 30-07-2019 | In RTP 1 - 31-07-2019 | In Visão - 30-07-2019 | In - 30-07-2019 | In Sábado - 30-07-2019 |In - 30-07-2019 | In Sapo24 - 30-07-2019 |In RTP - 30-07-2019 | In RTP - 30-07-2019 |In Público - 30-07-2019 | In PT Jornal - 30-07-2019 |In Porto Canal - 30-07-2019 | In Observador - 30-07-2019 |In Notícias de Coimbra - 30-07-2019 | In Notícias ao Minuto - 30-07-2019 |In - 30-07-2019 | In Impala - 30-07-2019 |In Destak - 30-07-2019 | In Sapo - 30-07-2019 |In Diário do Distrito - 30-07-2019 | In Antena 1 - 30-07-2019 | In Público - 31-07-2019 | In Jornal de Notícias - 31-07-2019 |In Diário de Viseu - 31-07-2019 | In Diário de Coimbra - 31-07-2019 |In Diário de Aveiro - 31-07-2019 | In Diário das Beiras - 31-07-2019 |In - 31-07-2019 | In Tribuna das Ilhas - 31-07-2019 | In Wilder - 02-08-2019
"Minuto Verde" about LIFE LINES Project
"Minuto Verde" about caution when encountering an animal crossing the road
Montemor-o-Novo students install barriers to avoid amphibian roadkill
Montemor-o-Novo Environmental Interpretation Center about to open doors
IP available to assess placement of amphibian road signals throughout the country
The new traffic signal
In Diário de Notícias - 23-01-2019 | In - 23-01-2019 | In - 23-01-2019 | In Diário de Notícias - 23-01-2019 | In Tribuna Alentejo - 23-01-2019 | In Notícias ao Minuto - 23-01-2019 | In SIC Notícias - 23-01-2019 | In TSF - 23-01-2019 | In Diana FM - 25-01-2019 |In Visão - 25-01-2019 | In - 26-01-2019 | In - 26-01-2019 | In TVI - 28-01-2019 | In - 1-02-2019
Barriers protect owls from car collisions
In - 21-01-2019 | In Diário do Sul (Jornal) - 21-01-2019
IMT signs cooperation protocol with ANTT
Participation of the LIFE LINES Project / IP in a meeting to sign a cooperation protocol between IMT and ANTT. In - 16-11-2018
More than 2,400 animals road-killed in 2016
In Observador - 19-01-2018 | In Público - 19-01-2018 | In Sic Notícias - 19-01-2018 | In Sábado - 19-01-2018