Carlos Fonseca
Doutorado em Biologia pela Universidade de Aveiro. Em 2001 ingressou no Departamento de Biologia da Universidade de Aveiro (DBIO-UA) onde é atualmente Professor Associado com Agregação, Diretor do Mestrado em Ecologia Aplicada, Membro da Comissão Executiva da Escola Doutoral e Membro Integrado do Laboratório Associado CESAM – Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar. Leciona unidades curriculares nos três ciclos de estudos, com destaque para Biologia de Campo, Mamíferos de Portugal e Gestão e Conservação de Recursos Silvestres. É o responsável pela Unidade de Vida Selvagem do DBIO-UA, que conta atualmente com mais de 50 investigadores, bolseiros, alunos e colaboradores, coordenando ou participando em projetos de investigação nos quatro cantos do Mundo: Portugal, Espanha, Noruega, Itália, Polónia, Sérvia, Brasil, Bolívia, Paraguai, Alasca (EUA), México e Moçambique.

Clara Grilo
Clara Grilo has a PhD in Conservation Biology at Lisbon University and is a researcher at the Brazilian Centre of Road Ecology (Federal University of Lavras). She is also professor at the Post-graduate Program in Applied Ecology in the same university. Her primary interest is applied ecological research in support of active conservation projects namely the role of human activities on landscape changes and on the effects wildlife - relative abundance, behaviour, mortality risk and implications on genetic structure and population viability on birds of prey and mammals in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.

Joaquim Pedro Ferreira
PhD in Conservation Biology from the University of Lisbon. He is currently a fellow of Postdoctoral in the area of promotion of science at the University of Aveiro. Co-author of 11 books for the general public, with thematic focus on nature conservation, science and countryside. Co-author of the television series "Biodiversity in the Supermarket" that received the 1st prize (October 2014) in the prestigious international competition "Ciencia en Acción". Is, also, co-author and co-Director of the documentary "Nature laboratories" transmitted by generalist TV channel SIC, and had an audience of nearly half a million viewers. Recently won co-authored the 1st Prize in the category Ecology and Biodiversity at the VIII International Film Festival Tourism Art & Tur in 2015 with the film "Do not Let Our Wolves Become Homeless -Last Push".