LIFE LINES needs you!
Wild animal collisions are an increasingly common nature conservation problem and may even endanger the safety of drivers.
Understanding what drives an animal to cross the road is crucial to everyone's safety. Use this app to help collect information about animal road kills. Your contribution will be helping to save wildlife and contributing to your safety.
Please after registration, check your email box to confirm it.
Open the APP and click on "Observação" .Choose from the animal groups until you find the one that you think matches the road killed species, or in the case of not knowing, click in “Não Sei” .
Provide the information you can regarding the animal observed on the form and add at least one photo before you can submit the observation. If you don't have the phone's location enabled, you will need to enable it to provide the exact location of the animal to be collected.
Observations can be made both online and offline.
Access your data!
In the “Lista” section you can see the observations you have already submitted and the ones you have yet to submit (if you have logged the event offline).
Enter “Mapa” to see your observations on the map.
When using the app to report an observation, be aware of your safety. Do not use this application while driving , or perform any dangerous maneuvers. Be on the lookout for vehicles on the road when you stop your vehicle and when you leave it to record a hit. Safety takes priority over everything else!
This application is part of the LIFE LINES project, a pioneering Portuguese project in Europe, under development in Central Alentejo, which aims to implement a series of measures to reduce fauna mortality and promote the creation of a supportive Green Infrastructure. to enhancing and conserving biodiversity.
Help us conserve nature and contribute to the safety of all!
Download the APP LIFE LINES on the Google Play and start colaborating in animal roadkill record now. Your records will be part of the national fauna roadkill database, and will help us to understand what drives an animal to cross a road. Everyone's safety is crucial! Each participation is very important!

See here the Privacy Policy of APP LIFE LINES.